Monday, 21 May 2012

Four must have supplements to support your fitness program

With the quality of todays food decreasing and people looking to exercise more it is essential that we give our bodies the correct nutrients to ensure results and not let time and effort go to waste.

The basic four supplements anyone following an exercise program should have are;

1. Protein:

2: Greens:

3: Multi Vitamin:

4: Fish Oil:

There are plenty more supplements available; many of which will having you reaching your goals quicker however they become quite expensive and some need to be cycled.

The above four will provide your body with sufficient support at a reasonable price. They do not need to be cycled and should be used in conjunction with a healthy eating plan.

Always seek medical advice when undertaking an exercise program and before beginning supplementation.

For awesome supplement deals, organic products, Naturopath/Herbalist advice plus almost everything else head to Health Nuts within the Kings Cross shopping centre. Speak to "Elie"... His knowledge of supplements is astounding with his store containing over 6000 products!!!!!!