The Kettle bell has been used as a training tool for over 100 years and still to this day proves to be one of the most, if not the most beneficial training tool available. During the late 1940's it became a competitive sport and has progressed from there into multiple competitions and worldwide events. Kettlebells are thought by many to be the single most effective tool for developing strength and endurance as well as for functional based training. Kettlebells are currently used for Military and Special Forces, Police Departments, top Olympic Athletes and professional sporting teams, as the training tool of choice for producing unparalleled results.
The environment that many of us subject ourselves to daily is heavily responsible for imbalances that allow for poor posture due to being seated for most of the day. The human body is not designed to be stationary in a flexion position for long periods of time however for many of us this is hard to avoid. Common conditions can be lower back pain and inflexibility, rounded shoulders, shoulder impingement, hip and knee pain etc. This is where kettlebells can really take you to a new level.
Due to the kettlebells nature the center of mass is continuously pulling away from the body. Consequently, your whole body has to compensate and stabalise, recruiting just about every muscle-group to work together, in particular the posterior chain. The posterior chain is the group of muscle situated behind you. Some of theses include, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back, Traps, Rhomboids etc. The increased focus on the posterior chain due to these heavy imbalances that are quite often are very weak, allows for the kettlebell to provide such incredible training results to strength, endurance, stability and posture. "Did You Know, standing to train is the best way to strengthen your core?"
The common Kettlebell swing is just one exercise that will improve your breathing control, core strength, cardiovascular endurance, strength and contribute to improving your posture. However there seems to be many styles of swings when it comes to kettlebells. What I will do below is aim to explain where the true benefits of kettlebells are achieved and the possible risks associated to certain position indifferences.
Correct - Minimal Load on the Lower Back - Increased Strength and swing efficiency - Contributes to improving posture - Targets Posterior Chain due to minimal knee bend - Spine remains in neutral position maximising core strength and stability - Promotes efficient movement patterns | Incorrect
- Increased pressure on the Lower Back ( up to 400%) - Decreased strength and swing efficiency - Contributes to incorrect posture, Lower Back pain, internal hip rotation - Incorrect spine position causing rounding of the back/shoulders and decreased core stability - Increases your risk of injury - Promotes incorrect movement patterns contributing to loss of Strength, Power and Range of Motion.
Kettlebells when performed correctly are by far the most beneficial training tool, performed incorrectly they can cause serious injury.
Always seek professional advice before using Kettlebells. Only use Kettlebells if certified and insure your trainer is qualified.